Friday, February 24, 2012

Ash Wednesday

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. Each year since I was a teenager I have practiced lent. Either giving something up for 40 days or trying to add something that I feel is important to my life. This year is no different. At first I was thinking I would give up television shows. This will save time and allow me to do more productive things with the little free time that I have, I thought. At some point in my day yesterday I decided that not only do I want to take something out of my daily life, I want to add something to it as well. As part of lent, each day I am going to write down something good about a person in my life.

I made this decision when one of the girls who I don’t know as well, told me that she understands her English homework best when I help her. Key word, help. She is incredibly intelligent and she genuinely does want to learn as opposed to the kids who just want you to do their homework for them.

Every time I help her she says thank you and seems so sincere, a few days later she came looking for me again to check over her work. This is such a comfort to me because when I explain English to these kids, I often feel as though I am not making much sense to them so knowing that I am helping at least one child makes it worth it.

This week I saw a kid go to our youth group that normally would never participate in any activity, let alone youth group. And last night before bed a girl gave me a bracelet. It’s these little things that I want to write down each day, so as to not forget one day when I am older and crankier than I am now.

As some of you might know, these last few weeks have been my most difficult so far this year. A mixture of sickness, stress and a dark depression. Each day was a struggle. However, things are now looking up, thank goodness. I just want to send out a thank you for all of the support from my friends and family. Since you are not here with me, a good book and a cup of coffee will have to suffice.

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