Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Magic. Soccer in the rain is magic to me.

If you were surprised to read the title of this blog post, you are not the only one. I was surprised when the thought came into my head. I'm not much of a sports person and although I'm not too much of a girly-girl, being a member of the swim team and a cheerleader in high school are good examples of how little I enjoy sports that use a ball. This is why I was so surprised when I recently realized that I adore soccer here in Mexico. Now, don't get too excited because I've only played twice and I was pretty much terrible so I'm not on my way to a new career or anything. However, watching these kids enjoy this sport in the poring down rain could bring a smile to anyones face. And joining in on the fun might even make you laugh, even if the laughter is directed at yourself.


  1. this is the most beautiful picture. srsly

  2. I love it too. Sadly I cannot take credit for this photo. It just fit my mood at the time. Thanks Katie Babe!
