Sunday, August 14, 2011

A big week

 As some of you may know, my roommates and I have recently adopted a baby bunny. Finding a name for our new pet has proved to be quite difficult. So far we have come up with either "Peter Paul and Nellie" (in honor of the two Dutch people who left Mexico yesterday after spending about a month with the kids helping to put in a play. We are considering naming the bunny after them to help us to remember their generosity. Some of us, I won't name any names, but some of the roommates aren't too keen on giving one bunny three names. So the other names that have seemed to stick for the last 24 hours or so are "Pepe" or "B-Money". I will keep you all up to date on the naming of the rabbit and if you have any suggestions, feel free to shoot them my way.

I'm sure that by now, my secret is out regarding my dislike for pets. So perhaps it was a bit of a surprise to you that I have assisted in adopting this small creature that seems to poop every few seconds. Another necessary fact you might find helpful for this tale to make a bit more sense is the fact that although I am eating meat here in Mexico, I am truly a vegetarian at heart and I would not wish an animal to die in vain. Here is the story of how we adopted this new friend.

Peter Paul and Nellie, two individuals from Holland, recently helped us put on a theater productions with some of the kids who were interested in participating. The play was about....well... I'm not totally sure what it was about since I'm still struggling with my Spanish. But, the actors and actresses did a great job and seemed to have a great deal of fun. They worked so hard to not only memorize their lines but also to help in creating an entire set with very few materials. Many of the pequenos who were not acting in the play got involved by helping with the set. I went in a few times to see what they were up to and found tons of kids listening to loud pop music and painting various structures for the set. I ended up creating a tree for the set with one of the girls. The tools that were used to create this amazing set were extremely simple which was totally impressive to me. Lots of recycled cardboard, paint an glue. Almost everything in the play was created by the kids and it turned out completely amazing.

The day prior to the performance my roommate Whitney heard a rumor that a certain scene in the play involved killing a bunny and what was worse was that they had got a real bunny for the purpose of this scene. We were horrified. Whitney, Bailey and I were extremely stressed about this news and were determined to stop it. We were debating all day what we could do to change this situation. Later we find out that either they decided not to kill the rabbit or that they were just playing a horrible trick on us. Relieved to hear this news we all put the thought out of our mind. Only a few hours before the play is about to begin we are informed that there is no one to take care of the bunny. There is no plan for the bunny after the play is finished.

Being volunteers here at NPH our room and board is taking care of but we don't make much extra money so the idea of paying to feed a rabbit is a little bit difficult for us to consider. An employee here at NPH, Erika who is also a vegetarian decides that she could help us pay for the bunny if we take care of it. So there you have it. We have adopted a baby bunny and our friend Erika is the "Madrena" which is what we call a godmother here at NPH. All of the pequenos have a madrena who contributes monthly to their cost of living here. So we now have an adopted bunny and a sponsor to help us support our new orphan.

Thank you for being with us on this episode of vagabond-train-tramp as we told the story of how an adorable,  baby bunny came into the life of a cold hearted girl named Meghan.

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