Sunday, July 10, 2011

Graduation weekend

Our first weekend here in at NPH is a big one. The graduation weekend. Friday we went to Miacatlan for the graduation for the kids leaving kindergarden, elementary school and middle school. The majority of the ceremony is the same as it would be in the states but the unique part is that all of the graduating classes perform a dance for the audience before they get their diplomas. Yes, even the kinders. Cute. Very cute.

What struck me most about these graduations was actually that many of the kid's god parents, or sponsors, flew in for the graduation. I found it quite touching that so many people have such personal relationships with the kids that they sponsor.

Saturday was the high school graduation followed by a dance where the other volunteers and I danced the night away with the kids. They were filled with such joy that it would have been difficult not to have a good time at this function.

Here are a few pictures of Miacatlan and the graduations.


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