Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Paris. Session 1. Take 1.

Right away once we get into the city we have to split up due to the fact that Katie has to head to the airport to check on her missing luggage that has been MIA for over a month now. I suppose I hadn’t mentioned this before but yes, our dear friend Katie has been living in France now for one month with only half of her belongings that she packed because the airline has not found her bag yet. Thankfully she has met lots of lovely teachers who have been generous enough to help her out a bit; however, if anyone else wants to help out our Katie Baby in anyway, Im sure she would appreciate that a great deal.

Anyway, getting back to Paris. Katie heads to the airport while Becca and I do a little exploring. We find the Notre Dame de Paris and a few interesting streets to walk down. After coming across a cute little park to take a rest and read in we see that there is a river in the park and that there is water only in parts of it because it is divided into sections. It was a locks and Becc and I were fully entertained for quite some time just watching the sections of the locks rise and fall with the water so that a boat could go through it.

Once we meet up with Katie again we head back to the Notre Dame to get a few more photos and then we go for some expensive Parisian coffee and then a Croque Madame which is basically a grilled ham and cheese sandwhich with a fried egg on top. But I had it without the ham. Everything is more expensive in Paris. However, we ended up spending not too much due to the fact that we had a few lovely hosts while we were staying in the city. A few friends that Katie and her friend Matt, who is also from Bellingham but teaching in France, met while in San Fran and then spent time with while they were in Paris a month ago. Bobo/Borus/Vampire Bobby was kind enough to offer his beautiful home in Paris for us to spend time at, as was another friend Nathan. I must just say that Parisian homes are amazing. We only got to see a few but from what I can tell they are adorable, so classy and….. I don’t even know how to explain it. I adored everything about these homes

Once we met up with the guys that evening we were starving so we all went to sushi, we wanted Thai food because we have been craving it lately but apparently it is super expensive in Paris so we decided to have a sushi party! After the sushi party we went out to have a few drinks at this great bar that was entirely covered with posters. Im not sure what the posters were of because they were in French but it looked awesome. I would say one of my all time favorite bars. After this bar we decide to go dancing, however, we miss the last metro and are then stuck in the wrong part of town. We spend a long, long time walking around the city, which was beautiful at night, until we all got so tired that we just had to call it a night. But even the walking around the city was great, we met lots of great people and I greatly enjoyed hearing so much French spoken.

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