Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Metting new people and ideas

While traveling you tend to meet a lot of interesting people.

Sometimes, you just click with a person that you just met; you might bond over something that seems so silly and small. And sometimes, you meet people who you have nothing in common with other than your current proximity.

Yesterday, the girls and I had coffee with an acquaintance from Bellingham who is now living in Paris. He pretty much just up and left his life in the states and took on language class in France, then got an apartment with a few French people, and is not making a living by giving people English lessons. I couldn’t help but think of how brave he is for doing what he is doing. Then I thought back on a girl who Becca and I met back in Germany who is from Canada and has been traveling for over a year. She finds a job in a bar and works until she has enough money to travel some more and then travels until she runs out of money and then finds another bar tending job. This also seemed very bold and very brave to me. These two individuals are only a few among so many that seem to be living such adventurous lifestyles and I am a bit jealous of them to be frank. I mean. All I have done is a little backpacking. I know it’s a big deal and it is quite exciting and I have loved every minute of it… well, perhaps not EVERY minute. But I guess meeting all of these people have just made me want to do more. I am Meghan and I am always craving a new adventure. That is all.


  1. Great post. Living out of a bag sounds pretty brave in my opinion. Sounds like you are having fun times.


  2. Your photos really capture the feel of your travels. I need an adventure!!!!!!!!!!
    Uncle Mike
